Cryptocurrency: Basics, Current Developments, and Beyond (Online)

Cryptocurrency: Basics, Current Developments, and Beyond (Online)


11:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr

Im Kalender vormerken


Constructor University
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen


ab 7. Klasse

Angaben zur Barrierefreiheit

Barrierefrei zugänglich?: Ja
Geeignet trotz Sehbeeinträchtigung?: Ja
Geeignet trotz Hörbeeinträchtigung?: Ja

Min. / Max Teilnehmer:innen


Themen / Schlagworte

Digitalisierung/IT, Energie

Anbietende Stelle

Jacobs University

Join us in examining the inner workings, use cases, and impacts of one of the most inflential inventions of the 2000s. We will be looking at the functionality of traditional cryptocurrencies, as well as new, promising innovations in the crypto community. This workshop will also compare how cryptocurrencies compare to traditional finance institutions, their perceived value, and their disadvantages, especially in terms of their environmental input and privacy.


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