Education and career paths in the physical sciences beyond high school


13:00 Uhr bis 14:00 Uhr

Im Kalender vormerken


Constructor University
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen


ab 10. Klasse

Angaben zur Barrierefreiheit

Barrierefrei zugänglich?: Ja
Geeignet trotz Sehbeeinträchtigung?: Ja
Geeignet trotz Hörbeeinträchtigung?: Ja

Min. / Max Teilnehmer:innen


Themen / Schlagworte

Biologie, Chemie, Physik

Anbietende Stelle

Jacobs University

During this lecture I will outline what educational paths you can expect after High School, from B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees, to postdoctoral research. I will also discuss the common goals of each degree and what you can expect. For each of those degrees, I will also discuss what careers you can expect to have after obtaining those different degrees. The talk will be interactive and I will encourage you to interrupt me and ask questions. The talk will be in the English language.

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13:00-14:00 Uhr: Hier buchen


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